Break Free Perfection Trap Free Your Inner Guru Podcast

Break Free of Your Perfection Trap

Do you struggle to get things done because you’re trying to achieve perfection?

You may be spinning your wheels because you’ve fallen into a Perfection Trap.

In today’s episode, you’ll find 2 stories that illustrate how the Perfection Trap affects each of us. Both stories – and their lessons – come from an experience I had that forced me out of my comfort zone in the pursuit of creative self expression.

The year was 2004. On a hunch that can only be described as divine inspiration, I drove for two days from Toronto, Ontario to Kingston, New Brunswick to attend my first workshop of any kind, led by the Canadian photography icon, Freeman Patterson.

When I arrived, I was surprised to discover I was one of the youngest in the group, and the newest to photography.  I was still grappling with the technical side of my creative passion, trying to understand how to get the best results out of my tools and put it together well enough to create the images I had in my head.

Little did I know, the biggest lessons of the week had nothing to do with photography and everything to do with my stifling need for perfection.

Listen now to learn how to handle getting it right vs getting it done when your Inner Critic is seeking perfection.

Mentioned in this Episode:

Picture of Freeman Patterson’s barn – How I Learned the Down Side of Perfection

The sunrise that almost went in the garbage can – How the Inner Critic Almost Stole a Gorgeous Sunrise

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Free Your Inner GuruSelf growth and leadership without the hype, hustle & hubris. 🎧 Podcast & Community for Discerning Seekers

Laura Tucker

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